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  • Julia Min

祭赵湖州文 On the death of my husband Zhao Mingcheng, the governor of Huzhou





On the death of my husband Zhao Mingcheng, the governor of Huzhou

written by: : Li Qingzhao ( 12th century)

translated by: Julia Min

Your life journey is just half way, like the dazzling sun at midday. Then you’re gone, leaving me alone to a world sinking astray. You’re the elite of the Song, but nothing gold can stay.

I remember the daughter of Monk Pang, who ended her life before he passed away, --

a relieve from such grief faithful to a heart of pain.


Yi'an's husband Zhao Mingcheng (1081 - 1129, epigrapher, poet, and politician) died of disease after he was appointed to be Huzhou's governor of the New Southern Song dynasty. His sudden death left his wife to a world under the siege of the Jin invaders.


1. (百度百科)

2. (维基百科)

3. 《李清照集笺注》李清照撰,徐培均笺注; 2002年上海古籍出版社

4. 《李清照文集》 作者:(北宋)李清照著,刘振鹏

5. All pictures are selected from google search.



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