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李清照 Li, Qingzhao
苏轼 Su, Shi
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An Ode to Mandarins 浣溪沙·咏橘
庐山烟雨浙江潮 Qiantang’s river tides and Lushan’s misty rain
Riding the Rapids on Spring River 行香子 . 过七里濑
A Taste of Early Spring 浪淘沙·探春
A Farewell Toast to Shugu at Youmei Hall 虞美人·有美堂赠述古
A Moon-night Walk at Chengtian Temple 记承天寺夜游
Last Year at the city gate we kissed farewell 少年游·去年相送
Till his Temples Frosted in his Autumn Years 水调歌头. 安石在东海
Farewell to Lingju on Double Seventh Festival 鹊桥仙·七夕送陈令举
琴诗 The Qin Music
My horse loves the sandy edges along the river浣溪沙.软草平莎过雨新
西江月·平山堂 My Visit to Pingshan Hall
花影 Flower Shadow
减字木兰花.莺初解语 The best spring begins when orioles start to sing
江城子·墨云拖雨过西楼 Over the West Pavilion Clouds of Ink Pass by
吉祥寺赏牡丹 A Feast on Peony Blooms at Lucky Temple
洞仙歌·冰肌玉骨 Pure as Snow Her Complexion
后赤壁赋 The second boat trip by Red Cliff --a prose poem
赤壁赋 A Moon-Night Drink on a Boat by Red Cliff (Part One)--A prose poem
东坡八首(第八首)Eight Poems on my Farm, the East Slope (8)