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李清照 Li, Qingzhao
苏轼 Su, Shi
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惠崇春江晓景 On “A River Spring Dawn”
东栏梨花 The Blooming Pear Tree by East Fence
赠刘景文 To Liu Jingwen
江上看山 Looking at Mountains from the River Boat
满庭芳 . 蜗角虚名 Why this Hustle and Bustle for a Bubble Fame
红梅 The Red Plum Blossom
初到黄州 Upon Arriving at Huangzhou
陈季常所蓄《朱陈村嫁娶图》“A Wedding Ceremony in Zhu Chen Village”
出狱(二首)Released from Prison
狱中寄子由 From Prison, to my Brother Ziyou
百步洪 The 100-Step River Rapids’ Ride
念奴娇.中秋 A Blissful Night on the Moon Festival
李思训画《长江绝岛图》Islands in the Heart of Yangtse River
阳关曲.中秋月 The Mid- Autumn Moon
有美堂暴雨 A Storm over Youmei Hall
於潜女 Yuqian Women
新城道中On the Road to Newtown
饮湖上初晴后雨 A moment from shine to rain on West Lake
吴中田妇叹 The Complaint of a Peasant Woman at Huzhou
醉书 Drinking lines for the West Lake