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李清照 Li, Qingzhao
苏轼 Su, Shi
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雨中游天竺灵感观音院 Visiting Guanyin Temple at Tianzhu
游金山寺 Visiting Jinshan Temple
和子由渑池怀旧 How I compare the new arrivals in a life journey?
贺新郎.乳燕飞华屋 When the Young Swallow Winged up the Grand Mansion
水龙吟. 似花还似飞花 Like and yet Unlike Flowers
行香子.清夜无尘The Night Is Pure
满庭芳.归去来兮Go back to the mountains!
浣溪沙. 细雨斜风作晓寒 A Light Rain in Cold Wind Sways the Willows
鹧鸪天(时谪黄州) Before the Walls the Bamboos Extend to the Hills
念奴娇.赤壁怀古 Meditating on the Past at the Red Cliff
水调歌头 黄州快哉亭赠张偓佺 To Zhang Woquan, at the Bracing Pavilion of Huangzhou
浣溪沙. 游蕲水清泉寺 A visit to the Clear Stream Temple
卜算子. 缺月挂疏桐 A Waning Moon Descended the Parasol Tree
蝶恋花 . 花褪残红青杏小 When the catkins are vanishing in weakening wind
永遇乐. 明月如霜 The moon’s frost white; the wind’s fresh and cool
西江月. 照野弥弥浅浪 The Moon Brightens the Murmuring Shallow Stream
阳关曲·赠张继愿 An Ode to Emperor Zhang Jiyuan
阳关曲·中秋月 The Clouds at Dusk are all Cleared
定风波.莫听穿林打叶声 Barely I hear the rains
望江南·春未老 (超然台作) When the Spring is not yet old